



Bai’ Al Dayn Working Financing-i (BWCF)

Bai’ Al Dayn refers to the sale of a debt arising from trade and services transaction in the form of a deferred payment sale. The customer sells this debt to the Bank at a discount.


Customer gets paid from the Bank before realization of the sale.


The cost must be revealed;
The price and tenure of the lump-sum deferred payment must be agreed upon by the Bank and the customer;
The Bank appoints customer as an agent to sell on its behalf;
Only trade transaction on usance term is allowed;
Financing for finished goods.

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AUSTRALIAN DOLLARAUD2.9890002.8460002.830000
BRUNEI DOLLARBND3.4190003.2690003.258000
CANADIAN DOLLARCAD3.2420003.1270003.110000
SWISS FRANCCHF5.2070004.9820004.964000
EURO EUR4.9490004.6750004.653000
STERLING POUNDGBP5.8280005.5890005.580000
NEW ZEALAND DOLLARNZD2.8120002.6110002.596000
SINGAPORE DOLLARSGD3.4190003.2820003.281000
UNITED STATES DOLLARUSD4.4490004.2190004.202000

2024-09-13 08:28:15