


Better lives, together

#IslamicBankingForAll #HereToHelp

For our Nation

We constantly find ways to inspire and empower every Malaysian, to do better so no one is left behind.

For our Customers

We constantly improve and innovate our products, services & experience so that we always leave an impact on our customers

For our Employees

We strive to be a place of growth and purpose for our people, giving them the opportunity to impact people's lives

For our Partners

We use our platform to support entities that drive development of the economy & community

Brand Statement

Everyone dreams for a better life. That’s why we’re here to help. Along the way, in every way. Our goal is to improve access to homes, mobility and wealth, constantly innovating to support financial resilience of our customers.

As the Islamic Bank for all, We believe in thinking ahead in helping Malaysians progress in life and prosper. Creating a life where people feel safe, where businesses and communities can thrive. Through impactful solutions for every life, without compromise.

We are in this together, so live without fear. Take the first step, and build Better lives, together.


Purpose & Values

6 Success Beliefs

Own It, Build Trust, One Team, Drive Innovation, Move Fast and Delight Customers.


To become the preferred Islamic financial services provider.


To ethically deliver best value to stakeholders, society and environment.

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AUSTRALIAN DOLLARAUD2.8080002.6550002.639000
BRUNEI DOLLARBND3.3600003.1660003.155000
CANADIAN DOLLARCAD3.0900002.9800002.963000
SWISS FRANCCHF4.9460004.7330004.715000
EURO EUR4.7240004.4640004.442000
STERLING POUNDGBP5.6070005.3610005.352000
NEW ZEALAND DOLLARNZD2.6030002.4170002.402000
SINGAPORE DOLLARSGD3.3600003.1660003.165000
UNITED STATES DOLLARUSD4.5270004.2850004.268000

2025-01-31 08:46:27