General Takaful provides you with protection against losses arising from hazards such as accidents, fires, floods and burglary among others. When you participate in a General Takaful plan, you will be covered when something untoward happens to the items that are covered. For instance, if you participate in a General Takaful for your house or house belongings and it was damaged in a storm or fire, your Takaful protection will cover the cost of repairing your house and cover your house belongings respectively.
It is highly recommended for anyone who owns an asset, to participate in General Takaful to protect it against loss due to fire, theft, etc. Each participant may also insure his/her dependents health and well-being through hospitalization and personal accident certificates.
Let us protect our hard earned assets now before it’s too late!
General Takaful Plans

Takaful myTravel PA
Just click on the following link for a quotation: Click here
PDS Takaful myTravel PA

Takaful myMotor Motorcycle
Just click on the following link for a quotation: Click here
PDS Takaful myMotor Motorcycle

Takaful myMabrur
Just click on the following link for a quotation: Click here
PDS Takaful myMabrur

Takaful myMotor Private Car
Just click on the following link for a quotation: Click here
PDS Takaful myMotor Private Car
