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Wealth Protection

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Let us protect our hard earned assets now before it’s too late!

General Takaful provides you with protection against losses arising from hazards such as accidents, fires, floods and burglary among others. When you participate in a General Takaful plan, you will be covered when something untoward happens to the items that are covered. For instance, if you participate in a General Takaful for your house or house belongings and it was damaged in a storm or fire, your Takaful protection will cover the cost of repairing your house and cover your house belongings respectively.

It is highly recommended for anyone who owns an asset, to participate in General Takaful to protect it against loss due to fire, theft, etc. Each participant may also insure his/her dependents health and well-being through hospitalization and personal accident certificates.

Let us protect our hard earned assets now before it’s too late!

General Takaful Plans
Takaful myHome Content


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PDS M-Zahra Home Content Takaful

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Takaful myMotor


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PDS M-Zahra Motor Takaful

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Takaful myPA Care


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PDS M-Zahra myPA Care Takaful

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Protection Limits And Scope Of Coverage For PIDM/TIPS


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Of course we understand how family is most important to everyone and as such, we should not take anything for granted; their protection should be your priority. Keep your loved ones safe and secure, protected from any uncertainties with a range of options from BMMB.

Family Takaful provides you and your beneficiary, protection and financial benefits in the event of a tragedy. Family Takaful also provides:

  • Long-term personal savings: part of the contribution will be deposited in an account for the purpose of savings.
  • Potential Investment Returns: the Takaful operator will invest your savings and investment contribution (Participant’s Account or PA) and the profit will be shared between you and the takaful operator based on a pre-agreed ratio.
  • Tax relief: you will be eligible for personal tax relief as in life insurance. The maximum relief amount for ordinary family takaful is RM6,000 per year less any contributions paid to retirement benefit schemes i.e Employees Provident Fund; for medical and education plans, the tax relief is RM3,000 per year.
  • Mutual Assistance: When you participate in family takaful, you will undertake a contract (aqad) for part of your contribution to be in the form of participative contribution (tabarru’) and the other part for savings and investment. Your contribution will be placed in a fund (Participants’ Special Account or PSA) that will be used should any of the participants face a misfortune arising from death or permanent disability.
Family Takaful Plans
M-Zahra Invest Prime Takaful

A single contribution plan that provides protection for your legacy creation and investment options to prepare your retirement savings for future usage.

  • Double Protection
  • Potential Investment Return
  • Single Payment
  • Flexibility
  • Hassle-Free Application

Pelan caruman tunggal yang menyediakan perlindungan untuk peninggalan legasi dan pilihan pelaburan bagi persediaan persaraan untuk kegunaan di masa hadapan.

  • Perlindungan Berganda
  • Potensi Pulangan Pelaburan
  • Pembayaran Tunggal
  • Fleksibiliti
  • Aplikasi Tanpa Kerumitan


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PDS M-Zahra Invest Prime Takaful

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M-Zahra Income Takaful
  • Guaranteed Acceptance – No Medical Check Up Required.
  • Pay Contributions For A Short Term, Enjoy A Longer Coverage
  • Receive Guaranteed Cash Payments Every Year
  • Receive A Special Allowance Upon Marriage Or Getting A Child
  • Get High Protection Up To 300% Of The Coverage Amoun
  • Penerimaan Dijamin, Tidak Perlu Pemeriksaan Kesihatan
  • Bayar Caruman Untuk Tempoh Yang Singkat, Nikmati Perlindungan Yang Lebih Lama
  • Terima Bayaran Tunai Yang Dijamin Setiap Tahun
  • Terima Elaun Istimewa Jika Berkahwin Atau Melahirkan Anak
  • Dapatkan Perlindungan Yang Tinggi Sehingga 300% Daripada Jumlah Perlindungan


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PDS M-Zahra Income Takaful

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M-Zahra Income Plus Takaful
  • Guaranteed Acceptance – No Medical Check Up Required Up To RM500,000 Sum Covered
  • Pay Contributions For A Short Term, Enjoy A Longer Coverage
  • Receive Guaranteed Cash Payments Every Year Starting From First Year
  • Get High Protection Up To 300% Of The Coverage Amount
  • Penerimaan Dijamin, Tidak Perlu Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Sehingga RM500,000 Jumlah Perlindungan
  • Bayar Caruman Untuk Tempoh Yang Singkat, Nikmati Perlindungan Yang Lebih Lama
  • Terima Bayaran Tunai Yang Dijamin Setiap Tahun Bermula Dari Tahun Pertama
  • Dapatkan Perlindungan Yang Tinggi Sehingga 300% Daripada Jumlah Perlindungan


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PDS M-Zahra Income Plus Takaful

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M-Zahra Flexi Takaful
  • Comprehensive Coverage, For Hibah, Income Replacement, Medical, Education And Retirement
  • Multiple Optional Benefits That Can Be Customised To Suit Your Needs
  • Reward For Excellence In Children’s Education
  • Options For Investment-Related Contributions To Optimize Investments
  • Perlindungan Yang Komprehensif Bagi Hibah, Pengantian Pendapatan, Perubatan, Pendidikan Dan Persaraan.
  • Banyak Pilihan Manfaat Tambahan Yang Boleh Diubah Suai Mengikut Keperluan Anda
  • Ganjaran Bagi Kecemerlangan Pendidikan Anak-Anak
  • Pilihan Untuk Caruman Berkaitan Pelaburan Bagi Mengoptimumkan Pelaburan


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PDS M-Zahra Flexi Takaful

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Takaful myMediValue

This is a standalone individual & health takaful plan that provides comprehensive and inclusive health coverage encompassing hospitalization, surgical expenses and a host of other health benefits. Enjoy additional protection up to RM1 million with the MediBooster rider and receive daily allowance during your treatment at government hospitals. Unlock the full potential of your life with Takaful my MediValue.

Ini adalah pelan takaful individu & kesihatan mandiri yang menyediakan perlindungan kesihatan yang komprehensif dan inklusif yang merangkumi kemasukan ke hospital, perbelanjaan pembedahan dan pelbagai manfaat kesihatan yang lain. Nikmati perlindungan tambahan sehingga RM1 juta dengan Media Booster rider dan terima elaun harian semasa rawatan anda di hospital kerajaan. Membuka kunci potensi penuh hidup anda dengan Takaful My MediValue.


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PDS Takaful myMediValue

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Just click on the following link for a quotation: Click here

M-Zahra First Takaful

M-Zahra First Takaful is formulated for simplicity and affordability and yet, tailored to meet your protection needs with comprehensive coverage. M-Zahra First could be YOUR first takaful.

M-Zahra First Takaful dirumus untuk mudah diakses dan mampu milik dan disesuaikan untuk memenuhi keperluan perlindungan anda dengan perlindungan yang komprehensif. M-Zahra First boleh menjadi takaful pertama ANDA.

PDS M-Zahra First Takaful

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Protection Limits And Scope Of Coverage For PIDM/TIPS


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2024-07-26 08:44:07