ASB Term Financing-i (Standard)
Create your wealth through our investment financing with underlying Syariah concept. Enjoy high margin of financing with affordable payment scheme.
Subject | Description |
Eligibility |
Facility Amount & Tenure |
Margin of Finance | Up to 100% + 5% inclusive of GCTT |
Required Documents |
For Fixed Income Earner
For Self-Employed / Businessman
Supported by ONE of following documents:
Disclaimer Statement on Advertisement of ASNB Products and Related Services
The Master Prospectus of ASNB dated 1 February 2020, the First Supplementary Master Prospectus dated 20 October 2021, the Second Supplementary Master Prospectus dated 1 April 2023, the Prospectus of ASN Imbang (Mixed Asset Balanced) 3 Global dated 16 September 2020, the First Supplementary Prospectus of ASN Imbang (Mixed Asset Balanced) 3 Global dated 20 October 2021, the Second Supplementary Prospectus of ASN Imbang (Mixed Asset Balanced) 3 Global dated 1 April 2023, the Prospectus of ASN Equity Global dated 1 September 2021, the First Supplementary Prospectus of ASN Equity Global dated 1 April 2023, the Prospectus of ASN Sukuk dated 25 November 2022 and the First Supplementary Prospectus of ASN Sukuk dated 1 April 2023 (“Prospectuses”), have been registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia.
Please read and understand the content of the Prospectuses together with the Product Highlights Sheets which are available at the ASNB website (, branches and agents. The unit will be issued upon receipt of the registration form referred to and accompanying the Prospectuses.
Before investing, please consider the risk of investing as well as the fees and charges involved. Unit prices and distribution payable, if any, may go down as well as up. The past performance of a fund should not be taken as indicative of its future performance.
Advertisements and promotional materials produced are reviewed by Compliance Department, Permodalan Nasional Berhad and do not require review from the SC.
Kenyataan Penafian Pengiklanan Produk ASNB dan Perkhidmatan Berkaitan
Prospektus Induk ASNB bertarikh 1 Februari 2020, Prospektus Induk Tambahan Pertama bertarikh 20 Oktober 2021, Prospektus Induk Tambahan Kedua bertarikh 1 April 2023, Prospektus ASN Imbang (Mixed Asset Balanced) 3 Global bertarikh 16 September 2020, Prospektus Tambahan Pertama ASN Imbang (Mixed Asset Balanced) 3 Global bertarikh 20 Oktober 2021, Prospektus Tambahan Kedua ASN Imbang (Mixed Asset Balanced) 3 Global bertarikh 1 April 2023, Prospektus ASN Equity Global bertarikh 1 September 2021, Prospektus Tambahan Pertama ASN Equity Global bertarikh 1 April 2023, Prospektus ASN Sukuk bertarikh 25 November 2022 dan Prospektus Tambahan Pertama ASN Sukuk bertarikh 1 April 2023 (“Prospektus”), telah didaftarkan dengan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia.
Sila baca dan fahami kandungan Prospektus tersebut bersama Halaman Serlahan Produk yang terdapat di laman sesawang ( cawangan dan ejen ASNB. Unit akan diterbitkan setelah penerimaan borang pendaftaran yang merujuk dan mengiringi Prospektus tersebut. Sebelum melabur, sila pertimbangkan risiko pelaburan serta yuran dan caj yang dikenakan. Harga unit dan pengagihan pendapatan, jika ada, mungkin turun dan/atau naik. Prestasi tabung masa lalu bukan jaminan prestasi masa hadapan.
Bagi mana-mana pembiayaan/pinjaman unit amanah yang disediakan, pelabur dinasihatkan untuk membaca dan memahami kandungan penyata pendedahan risiko pembiayaan/pinjaman unit amanah sebelum membuat keputusan untuk membuat pembiayaan/pinjaman bagi tujuan membeli unit amanah.
Semua iklan dan bahan promosi yang diterbitkan adalah disemak oleh Jabatan Pematuhan, PNB dan tidak memerlukan semakan oleh SC.