


Featured Image of Private Managed Acount

Private Managed Acount

Featured Image of Private Managed Acount

Private Managed Account are a form of personalized investment where investment decisions are at the discretion of an investment manager guided within predetermined parameters.


Private Managed Account are a form of personalized investment where investment decisions are at the discretion of an investment manager guided within predetermined parameters.

Private Managed Account provides you access to:

  • Professional investment services of which investments managers take a systematic and structured approach to navigate your investment in volatile market conditions through time-tested methodologies,
  • Active monitoring of your investment portfolio by a dedicated investment team,
  • Freedom from making investment decisions.


Private Manage Account offers significant potential to investors who pursue strong, long-term investment returns regardless of market conditions, as well as peace of mind.

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AUSTRALIAN DOLLARAUD2.9720002.8240002.808000
BRUNEI DOLLARBND3.3920003.2360003.225000
CANADIAN DOLLARCAD3.2010003.0810003.064000
SWISS FRANCCHF5.1690004.9350004.917000
EURO EUR4.9120004.6300004.608000
STERLING POUNDGBP5.7740005.5250005.516000
NEW ZEALAND DOLLARNZD2.7840002.5790002.564000
SINGAPORE DOLLARSGD3.3920003.2490003.248000
UNITED STATES DOLLARUSD4.3990004.1630004.146000

2024-10-04 08:54:12