


Trade Finance

The bank charges, fees and commissions for services provided by Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad

Transaction Type Of Charges Standard Pricing (Amount)
1 Issuance of LC
a. Irrevocable LC Commission As spelt out in the Letter of Offer

Minimum RM 100.00

Handling Charges – for LC issuance free of commission RM 100.00
b. Special Credit (Standby, Transferable, Back to Back, Revolving, Red Clause)
(As spelt out in the Letter of Offer)
Commission Minimum RM 250.00
c. Handling Charges for each OLC issuance Handling Charges RM 100.00
2 Amendments of LC
a. Increase Amount
(As spelt out in the Letter of Offer)
Commission Minimum RM 50.00
b. Validity Date Extended
(As spelt out in the Letter of Offer)
Commission Minimum RM 50.00
c. Other Amendment/s Commission RM 100.00
d. Handling Charges for each OLC Amendment Handling Charges RM 100.00
3 Usance Bill Under LC
(Acceptance Process)
Note: As spelt out in the Letter of Offer, from expiry date of LC to the expiry date of the usance bill.
Commission Minimum RM 50.00
4 Advising own LC direct to Beneficiary Commission

  • BMMB Customer
  • Non BMMB Customer
For Beneficiary’s Account:

  • RM 50.00
  • RM 100.00

For Applicant’s Account:

  • USD 50.00 flat
Handling Charges RM 100.00
5 Direct presentation of LC documents from beneficiary Commission 0.1% from presentation amount

Minimum RM 50.00

Maximum RM 100.00

Checking Fee RM 100.00
6 Agent’s Charges on LC Negotiation Agent Charges Actual charges claimed by agent
7 Discrepancy fee
(less from proceeds)
Handling Charges RM100.00 (for local LC)
USD100.00 or USD
equivalent (for foreign LC)
8 Drawing After Expiry Date
(less from proceeds)
Handling Charges 0.1% per month on the drawing amount from the expiry date to the date of receipt of documents,
Minimum equivalent of RM100.00
9 Overdrawn/Drawing Exceeds LC Amount (less from proceeds) Handling Charges 0.1% per month on the overdrawn amount from the LC issue date to the date of receipt of documents;
Minimum equivalent of RM100.00
Transaction Type Of Charges Standard Pricing (Amount)
1 Advising & Advising of Amendment Commission

  • BMMB Customer
  • Non BMMB Customer
For Beneficiary’s Account:

  • RM 50.00
  • Non BMMB Customer -RM 100.00

For Applicant’s Account:

  • USD 50.00 flat
Handling Charges RM 100.00
2 Adding Confirmation
(Sight and Usance LC)
Confirmation Commission 0.125% per month on LC

Value up to LC Expiry Date;


Rate advised by Correspondent Banking (Whichever Is higher)

Minimum RM 100.00

Handling Charges RM 100.00
Transaction Type Of Charges Standard Pricing (Amount)
1 Advice of Transfer
(Partial & full)

  • BMMB Customer
  • Non BMMB Customer
0.15% to 0.2% on LC transferred amount;

  • Minimum RM 200.00
  • Minimum RM 500.00
2 Amendment
a. Amount Increase Commission 0.2% per month on increased amount,

Minimum RM 100.00
b. Validity Date Extended Commission 0.2% per month on increased amount,

Minimum RM 100.00
c. Other Amendments Commission RM 100.00
3 Document Handling under Transferred LC Handling Charges RM 100.00
4 Document Checking Fee Checking Fee RM 100.00
Transaction Standard Pricing (Amount)
1 SG under LC
 a. Issuance of SG Commission As spelt out in the Letter of Offer;
OR 0.1% of SG amount per month; Minimum RM100.00
Handling Fee RM100.00
b. Non return of SG after expiry
(a month after date of issuance)
Commission 0.5% per annum of SG amount for consecutive 3 months; And
1% per annum for subsequent months until return.

Minimum RM 100.00

2 SG not under LC
 a. Issuance of SG Commission 0.15% flat of SG amount,

Minimum RM 150.00

Handling Charges RM 100.00
 b. Non return of SG after expiry

(a month after date of issuance.
Commission 0.5% per annum of SG amount for consecutive 3 months; And
1% per annum for subsequent months until return.

Minimum RM 100.00

Transaction Type Of Charges Standard Pricing (Amount)
1 Bank Guarantee under Facility
1.1 Issuance of BG Commission Total amount derived from the rate spelt out in Letter of Offer;

Minimum RM 100.00

1.2 Renewal of BG Commission Total amount derived from the rate spelt out in Letter of Offer;

Minimum RM 100.00

1.3 Handling Charges on each BG issuance/renewal Handling Charges RM 100.00
1.4 Amendment of BG
a) Amount Increase Commission Total amount derived from the rate spelt out in Letter of Offer;


0.1% to 0.15% per month on BG amount and period extended (inclusive of claim period),

Minimum RM 100.00

b) Validity Date Extended Commission Total amount derived from the rate spelt out in Letter of Offer;


0.1% to 0.15% per month on BG amount and period extended (inclusive of claim period),

Minimum RM 100.00

c) Other Amendments Commission RM 100.00
d) Handling Charges on each BG amendment Commission RM 100.00
2  Bank Guarantee under 100% Cash Margin (FSBG)
2.1 Issuance of BG Commission Actual amount derived (based on rate of commission on the approval of Letter of Offer);

Minimum RM200.00

2.2 Renewal of BG Commission Actual amount derived (based on rate of commission on the approval of Letter of Offer);

Minimum RM 200.00

2.3 Handling charges under each BG issuance/ renewal Handling Charges RM 100.00
3 Amendment of BG
3.1 Amount Increase Commission 0.15% per month on BG amount and period extended (inclusive of claim period)

Minimum RM 200.00

3.2 Validity Date Extended Commission 0.15% per month on BG amount and period extended (inclusive of claim period)

Minimum RM 200.00

3.3 Other Amendments Commission RM 100.00
3.4 Handling Charges on each BG amendment Handling Charges RM 100.00
4 Vetting Charges (for non-standard format) Commission RM 100.00
5 Bank Guarantee Claim Fees Commission RM 150.00
Transaction Type Of Charges Standard Pricing (Amount)
1 Creation of IBC
Commission MYR bill/ local

0.1% of invoice value;

Minimum RM50.00;

Maximum RM500.00

Foreign bill

0.1% of invoice value;

Minimum RM 50.00;

Maximum RM 100.00

Handling Charges RM 100.00
2 Document Release Free of Payment
a. Handling Charges Handling Charges RM100.00
b. Cable / SWIFT Charges RM 50.00
c. Mailing Handling Charges Postage charges:



Courier charges:

Peninsular Malaysia RM30.00

Sabah & Sarawak : RM50.00


International Courier:

As per DHL/ABX rate

Minimum RM 100.00

3 Document Redirect to Other Bank
a. Commission Commission MYR bill/ local

0.1% of invoice value;

Minimum RM50.00;

Maximum RM500.00

Foreign bill

0.1% of invoice value;

Minimum RM50.00;

Maximum RM100.00

b. Handling Charges Handling Charges RM 100.00
c. Mailing Handling Charges Postage charges:



Courier charges:

Peninsular Malaysia RM30.00

Sabah & Sarawak : RM50.00


International Courier:

As per DHL/ABX rate

Minimum RM 100.00

4 Dishonored Bill
a. Handling Charges Handling Charges RM 100.00
b. Cable / SWIFT Charges RM 50.00
c. Mailing Handling Charges Postage charges:



Courier charges:

Peninsular Malaysia RM30.00

Sabah & Sarawak : RM50.00


International Courier:

As per DHL/ABX rate

Minimum RM 100.00

5 Protest Bill Handling Charges RM 250.00 plus actual legal expenses
6 Representation Handling Charges RM 100.00
Transaction Type Of Charges Standard Pricing (Amount)
1 Creation of Bill
Commission MYR bill/ local

0.1% of invoice value;

Minimum RM50.00;

Maximum RM500.00

Foreign bill

0.1% of invoice value;

Minimum RM 50.00;

Maximum RM 100.00

Handling Charges RM 100.00
2 Document Release Free of Payment
a. Handling Charges Handling Charges RM100.00
b. Cable / SWIFT Charges RM 50.00
3 Document Redirect to Another Bank
a. Handling Charges Handling Charges RM 100.00
b. Cable / SWIFT Charges RM 50.00
4 Dishonored Bill
a. Handling Charges Handling Charges RM 100.00
b. Cable / SWIFT Charges RM 50.00
5 Protest Bill Handling charges RM 250.00 excluding legal expenses
6 Representation Handling charges RM 100.00
7 Checking Fee for Document Drawn under LC Checking Fee RM 100.00
8 Assignment of Proceeds Handling charges 0.1% of assigned amount
Minimun RM 200.00
Transaction Type Of Charges Standard Pricing (Amount)
1 Creation of Bill Purchased
a. Domestic Bill Purchased Profit Rate As spelt out in the Letter of Offer
Commission 0.1% of invoice value;
Minimum RM 100.00

Maximum RM 500.00

b. Foreign Bill Purchased Funding Rate COF (as determined by Treasury) +
spread (as spelt out in the Letter of Offer)
c. Handling Charges for each bill issued Handling Charges RM 100.00
Transaction Type Of Charges Standard Pricing (Amount)
1 Reproducing of Statement, Debit/Credit Advices Handling Charges RM 10.00 per request
2 Endorsement of Bill of Lading or Airway Bill Handling Charges RM 100.00
3 Mailing
a. Postage Handling Charges RM 10.00
b. Courier Handling Charges

  • Peninsular Malaysia
  • Sabah & Sarawak
  • RM 30.00
  • RM 50.00
c. International Courier Handling Charges As per DHL/ABX rate

Minimum RM100.00

4 Cable / SWIFT
a. LC issuance & amendment Charges RM 50.00 (Local LC)

RM 100.00 (Foreign LC)

b. BG issuance & amendment Charges RM 50.00 (Local LC)

RM 100.00 (Foreign LC)

c. FOT Charges (less from proceeds) Charges USD50.00


MYR equivalent

d. RENTAS Charges RM 10.00
e. IBG Charges RM 5.00
f. Others (other than above) Charges RM 50.00
5  Accepted Bills – Islamic
Funding Rate Based on money market rate for the specified tenor – determined by Treasury
Acceptance Commission Actual amount derived (based on rate of commission on the approval of Letter of Offer)
6  Accepted Bills – Islamic
Funding Rate Based on money market rate for the specified tenor – determined by Treasury
Acceptance Commission Actual amount derived (based on rate of commission on the approval of Letter of Offer)
7 Murabahah Working Capital Financing (MWCF)
Profit Rate As spelt out in the Letter of Offer
8 Bai Al Dayn Working Capital Financing (BWCF)
Profit Rate As spelt out in the Letter of Offer
9 Foreign Currency Trade Financing (Import/Export) Funding Rate COF (as determined by Treasury) + spread (as spelt out in the Letter of Offer)
Commission Actual amount derived (based on rate of commission on the approval of Letter of Offer)
10 Direct Presentation of Documents

(not under LC or Collection)

Commission MYR & Foreign Bill:

0.1% of amount financed;

Minimum RM 50.00;

Maximum RM 500.00

Handling Charges RM 100.00
11 Handling of Volumeness Documents (Bunching of Invoices and Multiple Payments exceeding 5 invoices and 5 payments per transaction) Handling Charges RM 100.00
12 Overdue Bills
a. Compensation for Late Payment (Ta’widh)

Note: Late Payment Compensation is not compounded.

Compensation Charges At Islamic Money Market Rate (IMMR) on the number of days
b. Handling Charges of Overdue Bill Handling Charges RM 100.00
Transaction Type Of Charges Amount
1 Bank Guarantee Stamp Duty RM 10.00
2 Shipping Guarantee Stamp Duty RM 10.00
3 Documentary Credit (parcel/courier receipt) Stamp Duty RM 10.00
4 BL / AWB Endorsement Stamp Duty RM 10.00
5 Fax Application Stamp Duty RM 10.00
Transaction Type Of Charges Amount
1 Letter of Credit Stamp Duty RM 10.00
2 Letter of Hypothecation Stamp Duty RM 10.00
3 LC Murabahah Contract Note Stamp Duty RM 10.00
4 Al Murabahah Contract Note Stamp Duty RM 10.00
5 Murabahah Working Capital Financing Letter Stamp Duty RM 10.00
6 Bai Al Dayn Contract Note Stamp Duty RM 10.00
7 Shipping Guarantee Stamp Duty RM 10.00
8 Letter of Authorization (Bank Guarantee) Stamp Duty RM 10.00
9 Original Bank Guarantee Stamp Duty RM 10.00
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AUSTRALIAN DOLLARAUD2.8080002.6550002.639000
BRUNEI DOLLARBND3.3600003.1660003.155000
CANADIAN DOLLARCAD3.0900002.9800002.963000
SWISS FRANCCHF4.9460004.7330004.715000
EURO EUR4.7240004.4640004.442000
STERLING POUNDGBP5.6070005.3610005.352000
NEW ZEALAND DOLLARNZD2.6030002.4170002.402000
SINGAPORE DOLLARSGD3.3600003.1660003.165000
UNITED STATES DOLLARUSD4.5270004.2850004.268000

2025-01-31 08:46:27