


Assistance & Dispute

By: 16two

Muamalat Invest Sdn Bhd strives to provide investors with high quality information services to assist investors to make well-informed investment decisions in relation to the Fund. Muamalat Invest Sdn Bhd’s personnel are available to investors at 03-2615 8400 / 8177 / 8186 / 8178 during normal office hours Monday – Friday from 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. to provide assistance for enquiries on their investments.


Dispute Resolution

1. For internal dispute resolution, you may contact us at:

Muamalat Invest Sdn Bhd
4th Floor, Menara Bumiputra
No. 21 Jalan Melaka
50100 Kuala Lumpur

Tel. No. : 03-2615 8400 / 8177 / 8186 / 8178
Fax No. : 03-2070 0157
Email :


2. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal dispute resolution process, please refer your dispute to the Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Corporation (SIDREC):

Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Center (SIDREC)
Unit A-9-1, Level 9, Tower A
Menara UOA Bangsar
No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1
59000 Kuala Lumpur

Tel. No. : 03-2282 2280
Fax No. : 03-2282 3855
Email :


3. You can also direct your complaint to the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”) even if you have initiated a dispute resolution process with SIDREC. To make a complaint, please contact the SC’s Investor Affairs & Complaints Department:

Investor Affairs & Complaints Department
Securities Commission Malaysia
No 3 Persiaran Bukit Kiara
Bukit Kiara
50490 Kuala Lumpur

Tel. No. : 03-6204 8999
Fax No. : 03-6204 8991
Email :


4. Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia’s (FIMM) Complaints Bureau::

Legal, Secretarial & Regulatory Affairs
Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia
19-06-1, 6th Floor, Wisma Tune
No. 19, Lorong Dungun
Damansara Heights,
50490 Kuala Lumpur

Tel. No. : 03-2092 3800
Fax No. : 03-2093 2700
Email :

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AUSTRALIAN DOLLARAUD2.8080002.6550002.639000
BRUNEI DOLLARBND3.3600003.1660003.155000
CANADIAN DOLLARCAD3.0900002.9800002.963000
SWISS FRANCCHF4.9460004.7330004.715000
EURO EUR4.7240004.4640004.442000
STERLING POUNDGBP5.6070005.3610005.352000
NEW ZEALAND DOLLARNZD2.6030002.4170002.402000
SINGAPORE DOLLARSGD3.3600003.1660003.165000
UNITED STATES DOLLARUSD4.5270004.2850004.268000

2025-01-31 08:46:27